emily lechner
Emily joined the Raby Lab in September 2022 and is co-supervised by Dr. Chris Wilson (OMNRF) for her M.Sc. in the Environmental and Life Sciences graduate program. The focus of her research is metabolism and thermal tolerances of Ontario’s native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Her research focuses on characterizing intraspecific variation in metabolic phenotypes and warming tolerances by studying 1) the effects of thermal changes on developing embryos and 2) the effects of thermal and oxygen changes on metabolism and swimming performance.
Emily completed her B.Sc.H majoring in Marine and Freshwater Biology at the University of Guelph in 2022. Throughout her undergraduate degree, she had the opportunity to work in five separate aquatic and terrestrial based labs at the Hagen’s Aqua Lab on campus. The study species ranged from coastal marine invertebrates, coastal marine fishes, freshwater fishes and desert reptiles.
Emily has worked with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF) for two field seasons (2021-22) in the Aquatic Endangered Species Lab with the Aquatic Research Monitoring Section (ARMS). She partook in ecosystem monitoring projects to detect species of concern within lakes, riverine and wetland ecosystems. Species of focus were the American eel, channel darter, pugnose shiner and freshwater mussels.